What is WAVE?

WAVE is a brand new group. An opportunity for people in Wynyard to gather, share food and enjoy each other’s company.

Dear friends, let us love one another, for love comes from God. Everyone who loves has been born of God and knows God. (1 John 4:7)

It’s all about building a strong community of friends here in the village.

What do we do at WAVE?

WAVE meets once a month for about 3 hours. We share a meal together and plenty of conversation. The group has a theme each month, something that we can share with each other that will add value and fun to our lives.

Everyone is very welcome!

When does WAVE meet?

Friday 1st March 2024
Wynyard Golf Club, Wellington Drive,
Wynyard, TS22 5QJ

This month’s theme: Come ready to talk about something you’re passionate about.

Booking for this event is required.
Any food chosen will be purchased by participants directly from Wynyard Golf Club

How do I get involved?

To find out more or book get in touch with
Kat Cooper-Young, Vine Church’s Placement Ordinand:

What to expect?

Here’s a flavour of what happened at our last WAVE Meeting

We met at the end of January and talked about our favourite TV programmes

Vivienne said…Although only a few people attended the meeting in January, it was lovely to see new faces. I learnt about the community and other opportunities to be involved in groups and activities in the area.”

“I’m looking forward to future meetings, which
I am sure will have a positive impact on all who attend.”