Vine Groups

What are Vine Groups?

Vine Groups are groups of 10-12 people, who meet to grow deeper in friendship, and support one another as we learn to live like Jesus together.

We meet at different times through the week but always with the aim of encouraging each other in our faith and growing as people, guided by the Holy Spirit.

 Jesus said: ‘I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit.’ (John 15:5)

It’s all about staying connected to God, and by extension, connected to each other – Vine Groups are a great way to help us do this!

What do they do?

Vine Groups meet weekly during term time for about 90 minutes – sharing food, reading a part of the Bible together, discussing it, praying and generally supporting and having fun together.

All welcome!

When do they meet?

Online Vine Group
Wednesdays at 7.30pm on Zoom

Evening Vine Group
Tuesdays at 7:30pm in people’s homes

Mums Vine Group
Thursdays at 10am at the Vicarage
(babies/toddlers welcome!)

How do I get involved?

To find out more, or join a Vine Group, get in touch with
Carol Richardson, Vine Church’s Discipleship Pastor:

What to expect?

Here’s a flavour of what some of our Vine Groups have done recently:

This study takes us through the book of Ephesians in the Bible, and helps us explore the depth of God’s love for us in Jesus

This Course combines modern psychology with ancient Biblical wisdom as we seek to grow in character

A course which teaches us to sit with a passage of the Bible and discover how God might be speaking to us through it