Summer with Vine Church
Join Vine Church for a summer of fun, rest and spiritual refreshment!
Over the summer holidays, we’re changing rhythm as a church; slowing down, intentionally spending time as a community, and making memories together.
Instead of meeting in Wynyard Primary School as we usually do, on Sundays we’ll be meeting in different places around the local area – taking church outside! – and on Tuesdays we’ll be meeting in people’s homes.
Jesus said ‘where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them’ (Matt 18:20) and this is true wherever we are.
This isn’t just for those who already are part of Vine Church – it’s the perfect opportunity to come and get to know some new people if you’ve never been involved in church before. Everyone is welcome!
Sundays, 3pm
On Sundays, we’ll gather at 3pm (unless otherwise stated!) to spend time together worshipping, playing games, chatting, praying and growing in friendship together. Each week we’ll enjoy a different location, and there’ll be something for everyone!
Sign up for Sundays:
Signing up is really important so we can notify you of any change of plans (for instance, if the British weather isn’t quite as we’d hope!)
Sign up here:
Tuesdays, 7:30pm
On Tuesday evenings throughout the summer, we’ll be meeting in homes around the local area. As we slow down over these six weeks, we’ll be spending time looking at the Bible, and seeing what spiritual nourishment it might have to offer us, as well as praying and deepening our friendships as a church.
Again, do please sign up for the individual dates you’re coming to, so you can be kept informed of any changes of location etc.
Sign up here: